I AM INK First Generation 0 White Rutile Paste 50ml


Artikelnummer: IAM-FG0-50ML Categorie:

I AM INK’s #0 White Rutile Paste owes its name to the highest quality of all titanium dioxide modifications, rutile.

#0 White Rutile Paste is the whitest and most visually opaque pigment of its kind. Perfect for setting highlights. Compliant with EU Resolution ResAP(2008)1 and EU REACH.

  • Volume: 50 ml
  • Vegan-friendly and cruelty-free
  • Made in Austria
  • Inspection window for content control
  • EU Resolution ResAP(2008)1-compliant
  • EU REACH Compliant
IAMINK-ink-0-white-rutile-paste-50ml-minI AM INK First Generation 0 White Rutile Paste 50ml
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